Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Handmade Lettering 29

Sir Spend-A-Lot Returns once again! Earlier posts here and here and here. These aren't chronological, this one is from 2006, I believe. Probably from a trip to Barcelona and Lisbon. There are some other markings on the bottom of the page to show some hint of how the page looks in the actual sketchbook. I had to clean up the page a bit too (because of markings on the other side of the sheet seeping through), but hopefully it's not too noticeable. Made with ball-point and gel pens. Original size about 13,5 x 6,5 cm.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Handmade Lettering 28

I don't remember exactly what was the source of this word but it would probably be top secret anyway so no big loss there. In this word I went to a chiseled sort of look, but it might have been a bit too blocky after all so I added the green stuff soon afterwards. All this has very little to do with the game of football. Made with felt-tip pen on the base and gel + ball-point pens for the details. Original size about 7,5 x 6,5 cm.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Handmade Lettering 27

This week's posting is the first one made on a post-it note if I remember correctly. The text contains the names of myself and a friend from work in a nicknamish form. This was drawn during a team assignment at some sort of big team meeting day, we had a two-person team. The ends of the words were the same so they have been connected. The red slogan was "inspired" by some Pepsi Max video that tried to be tough but didn't dare to actually use curse words. Original size is the same as a post-it-note of that shape. Made with felt-tip-, ball-point and gel pens.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Handmade Lettering 26

To continue the Excel theme that started two weeks ago, I now post a second image in celebration of that wonderful program. There are a few more Excel-letterings still waiting for posting after this. This one has a blackletter shape but apparently I thought flat letters would have been too boring (though the letterforms themselves do look pretty nice) so some dimensionality has been added with the colors. Made with felt-tip and gel pens. Original size about 6 x 3,5 cm.