So then, I managed to miss two postings in a row. Oh well, at least I managed to use the previous wednesday for useful purpose: moving to a new flat. Still in the same neighbourhood, very nice 7th floor views (sort of 7th even though it says 6th on the wall) and much more light.
On to the posting then! This was made after the Japan trip so quite recently. I have heard of some other work places use Microsoft Excel too, so the main word here might be familiar for some readers. We probably were looking at some plans from an excel file so the word comes from there. The Someone is left anonymous on purpose. The color scheme is green-blueish for a change, many recent ones have had red-black so I figured some variety couldn't hurt. Made with same ol' same ol'. Original size about 6 x 4,5 cm.
1 comment:
The capital E is tasty. Good that you had excel-day so you got to do that.
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