Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Café chalkboard

As I've apologized for the delay between updates before, I won't do it this time. Fortunately I have made some lettering-related things while not updating.

Above is a chalkboard menu for a very nice café in Helsinki, Gran Delicato. This is my first actual chalkboard lettering work. I've been frequenting the café for long time now because of their excellent coffees, bread etc. They know my usual order by heart so I sometimes don't even have to say anything when ordering. The café is not even very close to my place but it's worth the trip anyway.

I tested the chalk drawing on a smaller board the café had, and it didn't work too well, but fortunately the larger board had a better surface for drawing. The small text isn't too stylized since it was a bit clumsy drawing it with the chalk, but the larger headlines match my paper sketches quite well.

The detail photos are cropped from the same image.

I made the board in June after going to Sodankylä Film Festival to draw posters (more on that later), and last week I made some small changes to show some new things that are going to be on the menu. The photos are from the first version.


kaltsu said...

Meitsi arvostaa.

Janne Korsumäki said...

Nämä on kyllä törkeen hyviä. Laatupaikka sai laatutekstit!

Unknown said...

Hey you finally did this, nice one.